Best IVF Centre in Noida

In the world, IVF treatment [IVF (In Vitro Fertilization)] is considered the main method of treating infertility. There will hardly be anyone who does not know about IVF. IVF is the only way forward for families who are unable to have children. It was first used in England in 1978. However, such efforts were made 200 years ago, the evidence of which is still available today. IVF Treatment is also known as Test Tube Baby Treatment. Let us know what is IVF Treatment how it happens and what is its success rate?

What is IVF 

Today, IVF has practically become a household word. But many years ago it was a mysterious procedure for infertility then known as “test tube baby”. Louise Brown, born in England in 1978, was the first child to be born outside of her mother's womb.

The full name of IVF is In Vitro Fertilization, which is also known by many people as Test Tube Baby. Unlike the simple process of artificial insemination (in which sperm are placed in the uterus and conception normally occurs), IVF involves the addition of eggs and sperm outside the body in labs. Once an embryo is formed, that embryo is placed in the uterus of the surrogate mother. IVF is a complicated and costly procedure.

Only 5% of couples with infertility are able to get it done. However, in 1981 the U.S. Since its introduction in the U.S., IVF and other similar techniques have resulted in the birth of over 200,000 babies.

Although the results of IVF  are mostly good, but sometimes there are cases in which fertilization from the test tube leads to more than one pregnancy, and instead of one, twins or triplets are conceived. goes. In such a situation, the unnecessary fetus can be terminated at the behest of that woman. But there is a danger in this too, very often the rate of death of the rest and subsequent miscarriage also remains.

When To Perform IVF

IVF assistance is effective in those forms of infertility when it is not possible to eliminate the cause that prevented the conception (Learn How To Get Pregnant). For example, after an ectopic pregnancy, when a woman has had one or both of her fallopian tubes removed, or after inflammatory diseases, when the patency of the fallopian tubes is broken and it is impossible to correct it, IVF may be used. In English) with the help of sterility can be removed.

Some other problems for which IVF can be used are as follows-


Has low sperm count

problems with the uterus or fallopian tubes

problems with ovaries

Antibody problems that damage sperm or eggs

inability of sperm to survive or penetrate the cervix

unexplained fertility problem


If you are struggling with complete tubal blockage, then IVF may prove to be a good option for you. It is the best option for cases in which other methods such as fertility drugs, surgery, and artificial insemination do not work.

How to perform IVF Treatment

Fertility drugs are given to the woman to stimulate egg production. Many eggs can be formed in this process because not all eggs are fertile. A transvaginal ultrasound is done to examine the ovaries, and blood tests are done to check hormone levels.

Step 2: Once the eggs are formed, with the help of surgery, and with the help of ultrasound, those eggs are taken out of the pelvic cavity or pelvic cavity. Certain medications are also given to reduce pain and discomfort.

Step 3: In this step the male will be asked to give the sperm which will fertilize that egg.

Step 4: In a process called insemination, the sperm and egg are mixed together and placed in a laboratory to stimulate fertilization. In some cases where there is a low chance of fertilization, intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) may be used. Through this process, the sperm is directly injected into the egg to carry out fertilization. And it is seen whether fertilization and cell division are taking place properly or not. Once this happens, the fertilized egg is considered an embryo.

Step 5: The embryo is placed in the woman's uterus on the 3rd to 5th day of fertilization. A thin tube or catheter is used to place the embryo in the uterus. For most women, this procedure is slightly more painful, while for some women it is slightly less painful. If the procedure is successful, implantation usually takes place within six to ten days.

Side Effects of IVF Treatment

Although IVF treatment can be extremely painful for some women, some women can lead a normal life after a few days. Sometimes there are some side effects of IVF treatment as well-

Success Rate of IVF

The success rate for IVF depends on several factors, such as the infertility for which you are having the IVF procedure, and your age. CDC is the national database for all assisted reproductive technology (ART) procedures, including IVF, GIFT, and ZIFT, although IVF is by far the most common method; It accounts for 99% of the processes. The most recent report from 2009 found:

Pregnancy In an average of all cycles, about 29.4% of women (higher or lower depending on the woman's age) conceive successfully.

About 22.4% were born successfully through this procedure.

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