Best IVF Centre in Delhi

 Seeds of Innocence-- your answer for IVF Centre in Delhi NCR

 Seeds of Innocence, are settlers in Gravidity treatment, delivering the Best of results with a success rate of over to 78. We're India’s first fertility clinic with in- house inheritable labs. We aren't only the Best IVF Centre in Delhi but also have our conventions at colorful other locales across the country

IVF is a fertility treatment that is designed for people who are unable to have a child. Infertile couples are treated with this procedure. Through IVF, many childless couples have got the pleasure of having their own children.

 Seeds of Innocence is the best IVF center in Delhi

What happens in the process of conception - This process requires the egg (egg) of the woman and the sperm of the man (sperm). Together they form the initial stage of infant production, which is called the embryo. If there is a problem with the egg of the woman, the sperm of the man or both, then it is considered sterile. Also pregnancy is not possible. Which means that the female partner cannot get pregnant naturally. This is the situation when sterility needs to be treated and IVF comes to the fore.


When a married couple fails to conceive even after having continuous unprotected sex for the past 6 months, there may be a problem with the woman's egg or the man's sperm. If there are some problems in both, then this problem is called Couple Infertility. Many such situations have also come to the fore, in which the couple is able to conceive naturally after many years of efforts, but this is a rare situation.

What is IVF - In this, the female egg and the male sperm are fertilized outside the body. 'In-vitro' refers to 'in-glass' which means inside the glass. The fertilization process is done in a glass petri dish inside the lab. This embryo is then implanted in the woman's uterus so that it can grow and take on the shape of a baby.

IVF Process

In this process the female and male are checked, after that the process proceeds according to the result.

.The male's semen is cleaned in the lab. Then the active (good) and inactive (useless) sperms are separated.


.The eggs are taken out of the woman's body through injection and frozen.

.The active sperm is then placed on top of the egg in a petri-dish in the lab and released to reproduce naturally.

.By the third day of reproduction the embryo is ready.

.With the help of a catheter which looks like a special flexible tube, it is transferred to the uterus of the woman.

.Sometimes the embryo is placed in the woman's uterus after monitoring for up to 5 days.

.The pregnancy success rate is higher in a 5-day-old fetus.

IVF pregnancy is like a normal pregnancy, only in this the embryo is prepared in the lab, due to which there is no side effect. Many people believe that due to IVF treatment, there can be some deficiency inside the child. This thinking is not correct because the whole process from reproduction to childbirth happens naturally. The development of the baby takes place in the mother's womb, the development of the child depends on the diet and reactions of the mother.

There are different types of treatment for many fertility problems. Sometimes the problem is also due to lack of sperm, movement of sperms, size of sperms, absence of sperms in semen, poor quality sperm, poor quality eggs or problems with ovulation.

The treatments for IVF procedures are categorized below. But it is important to know that fertility treatments are administered individually and not in a general way.

When might IVF be needed and IVF Centre near me

This is a problem that is found in many men. Male fertility treatment is helpful for low sperm count, sperm motility, sperm size, poor quality sperm in semen or inability to ejaculate. In IVF, only one healthy sperm is needed to fertilize the egg.

How to reach us?

We're at Malviya Nagar, New Delhi. To bespeak a free discussion at the Best IVF Centre in Delhi, write to us at or call us at 91 9810350512

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