seeds of innocence is the best IVF & Surrogacy Centre in Delhi

Seeds of Innocence, are pioneers in Infertility treatment, delivering the best of results with a success rate of up to 78%. We are India’s first fertility clinic with in-house genetic labs. We are not only the best IVF Centre in Delhi but also have our clinics at various other locations across the country.

IVF Surrogacy is emerging as a popular option for people with fertility issues to start or grow their families. There are different types of surrogacy procedures. It is often preferred by couples who want to have a genetic child but are experiencing trouble conceiving. Find out more about the surrogacy procedure and surrogacy cost in Delhi. Visit Seeds of Innocence

 Surrogacy may be a system wherein the embryo is planted inside the womb of a surrogate lady who carries the gestation to term. Rigorously, only fertilized eggs (embryos) are transferred into the womb of a surrogate appertained to as gravid surrogacy. Traditional surrogacy, which is that the insertion of the hubby’s sperms into a surrogate, is not allowed. 

 Who Needs Surrogacy? 

 • Absent Uterus thanks to hysterectomy, or natural absence of the uterus. 

• Imperfect Uterus ( similar as unicornuate uterus). 

 • Poor Endometrium Filling. 

 • Repeated IVF failures. 

 • Intermittent revocations not amenable to treatment. 

• Severe medical conditions inharmonious with gestation. 

 • Single parents. 

 Surrogacy Process 

 Upon selection of a surrogate, the egg provider’s (the womanish mate herself or an egg patron) cycles are synced with the surrogate. this suggests that the medication of the surrogate’s endometrial filling and thus the injections for egg stimulation to the egg provider is administered contemporaneously. the gathering of the eggs is completed generally between 10 – 14 days of stimulation, and fertilized with the hubby’s healthy sperms. The fertilized eggs (embryos) are also transferred into the surrogate’s uterus 3 – 5 days after this. The bioassay is administered 2 weeks latterly. Redundant and healthy embryos are firmed for transference latterly (if necessary). 

 Legal Aspects Of Surrogacy 

 The couple seeking surrogacy can either bring their own surrogate or the clinic can give a surrogate through a licensed agency. Government of India’s guidelines on IVF surrogacy makes it a legal process, taking the names of the intending parents to be entered on the instrument. Marketable surrogacy is allowed, but only both hubby and woman have Indian citizenship. there is no ban yet on single parent surrogacy for Indian citizens. 

 Selection Criteria For A Surrogate Mama 

 • Healthy and physically fit. 

• Rather but 30 times progressed. 

 • Happy and affable personality. 

 • Formerly delivered a minimum of one healthy child. 

 • All blood examinations are normal ( similar as Thyroid, Thalassemia, German measlesetc.). 

• Day 15-18 endometrial consistence should be> 9 mm. 

 • She and her family understand the procedure and are willing to hold the gestation for 9 months. 

 The Surrogacy Process At AFGC 

 Though we have installations of a Surrogate Home, we do not encourage hosting our surrogates in surrogate homes, as they are substantially youthful maters with youthful children. We believe furnishing a cheerful gestation to our surrogates, and need them to measure with their families, rather in solitary for nine months. Our well- trained surrogate caretaker visits the pregnant surrogate constantly and ensures that proper care is being taken. Our croakers cover the gestation every 2 – 3 weeks to make sure a healthy fetus. Clinic fellow also make frequent visits to the surrogates’ homes to make sure complete care is being taken. Infact, prenatal visits and regular ultrasounds are through with advanced frequence than a traditional gestation to make sure a healthy gestation Dr. Gauri Agarwal tête-à-tête chooses the surrogates and monitors their progress throughout the gestation. Still, if any medical issues arise during the gestation we incontinently admit the surrogates. just in case any intended parent specifically wants a surrogate to remain at a surrogate home, we have vittles for an original. 

 Cost Of Surrogacy At AFGC 

 The cost of surrogacy is roughly Rs 13 to 14 lakhs depending of kind of surrogacy ( tone-egg or patron egg surrogacy) which incorporates 3 attempts. 

SOI Expertise

We, at SOI, are proud to say that all the services pertaining to infertility are available under one roof. We offer extensive counselling, on surrogacy, covering all possible aspects, starting from the emotional and psychological implications to indicated tests that surrogates should receive and insemination methods suggested for conception. Doctors are also available to give extended care to the family.

Best IVF & Surrogacy Centre in Delhi

IVF Centre in Delhi 

Surrogacy Centre in Delhi

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