Best IVF Centre in Delhi

Seeds of Innocence, are pioneers in Infertility treatment, delivering the best of results with a success rate of up to 78%. We are India’s first fertility clinic with in-house genetic labs. We are not only the best IVF Centre in Delhi but also have our clinics at various other locations across the country.

 Blankness is a medical condition that is time sensitive. Don't put your fertility passage on hold until the" right time"comes, because when blankness is involved, the right time to act is now. 

 How Long Have You Been Trying? 

 Have you been trying to get pregnant for further than a space without any positive results? Either chances are you need medical help to conceive successfully. This window is shorter for couples over 35, who should seek expert advice after trying for 6 months. 


 What Are The Factors To Be Considered When Planning A Family? 

 Age Are you above or below 35? 

Medical history Do you have a family history of dyed-in-the- hair distemperatures or unseasonable menopause? 

 Fertility issues Do you suffer from PCOS, fallopian tube/ uterine problems, endometriosis, thyroid distemperatures (for women), erectile dysfunction, unseasonable interjection, sperm distemperatures (for men)? 

. Injury/ Surgery Have you suffered injury or surgery on your reproductive organs? 

 Cancer Have you introduce out that you have cancer/ have been treated for cancer? 

 Life Do you smother or drink? Are you pudgy/ underweight? 


 Why Should You Not Delay Treatment? 

 Ovarian reserve declines with each menstrual cycle 

 Advanced age linked to increased hazard of natural parturition 

 Fertility web tests drag on for days/ lead to another tests 

 You may need to make civilization changes before starting treatment. 

 Treatment may demand several attempts or be delayed. 

What ’S The Ensuing Right Step? 

 Seeds of Innocence IVF Fertility has a couples screening package to stuff track your fertility expedition. Its rudiments include 

 Fertility compassion at your favorite Seeds of innocence IVF fertility center 

 Mesh Tests for Female Partner Ultrasound Check andAnti-Mullerian Hormone, HBA1C 

. Screening Test for Male Partner Semen Analysis and HBA1C 

 This package of introductory tests will help diagnose undergirding gravidity issues and guide you to make an informed decision about the succeeding track. 

 Is Gravidity Curable? 

 Gravidity is not curable, but some cases can be reversed. Presently at Seeds of innocence, we offer 4 major treatment options 

.Ovulation Induction (OI) regulation/ restoration of ovulation using remedies 

 Intrauterine lovemaking (IUI) A minimally invasive procedure that places washed sperm directly into the female mate's uterus to increase the chances of fertilization. 

 Personality- cycle IVF A procedure that retrieves the wifey's mature eggs and the hubby's healthy sperm and combines them in a lab for fertilization 

 Personality- cycle ICSI A procedure that injects a single, healthy sperm into an egg using a fine glass needle to freezeout the limitations of poor sperm/ egg quality. 

Dr Gauri Agarwal is known for the possible conclusions of successful gestation with fertility tactics like IUI, IVF, Donor Sperm, ICSI, Egg Donation, Embryo Donation, Surrogacy. She has thorough chops in begetting treatment, resolution and other gestation related issues. 

 Our success in gravidity treatment by Laparoscopy, Hysteroscopy, including IUI is extremely high. 


 Our sharp quality and positive results represent us and are the foremost reasons for cases choosing us. We feed treatment to couples who are suffering from gravidity problem and deprived of giving birth to their child. 

 Vastly suitable blankness counsels and ace embryologists 


 World class fertility (IVF – ICSI) lab constitute out 

 Translucence in treatment and charges 

 High success rate with over one decade of experience 

 12000 IVF & ICSI Cycles 

 Have created happy families by giving results to infertile couples from throughout India. 



 • Intrauterine sybaritism (IUI). 

• In-vitro Fertilization (IVF). 

 • In-vitro Fertilization Embryo Transfer (IVF-ET). 

 • Intra cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI). 

 • Blastocyst Transfer. 

• Embryo Cryopreservation. 

 • Frozen Embryo Transfer. 

 • Limelight Abetted Hatching (LAH). 

 • Semen Cryopreservation. 

• Surgical Sperm Retrieval/ Surgical Birth and aspiration of Sperms (TESA/ PESA). 

 • Egg/ Sperm Donation. 

 • Donator oocytes. 

 • Surrogacy. 

•Pre-implantation inheritable conclusion (PGD). 

Best IVF Centre in Delhi

IVF Centre in Delhi

IVF Delhi

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